WYD?: Bond vs. Bond
Take a moment and ponder…to whom would you rather bottom? And why? Would Connery’s take on Bond, the martini-shaking snappy-phrase emoting sly slick talker, light your fire? Or would  the newer sleeker deadlier Craig’s Bond be more your speed?
Vote, damn you!
[poll id=”4″]
the void: when are you going to do the next WYD?
Mollena: OK it took me at least 30 seconds to figure out what the fuck you were talking about
Mollena: I guess the convention would be to do Joker vs someone?
the void: it’s your site, it’s whatever you want to do
the void: but that was what you had said at first
the void: but since you never posted that as rules, you can do whatever
Mollena: Well considering right now I want to either eat a steak or curl up in bed with a fucking heating pad, I am hardly possessed of Fire in teh Belleh to be clever.
Mollena: so far we have the next round- Spy vs Spy with the 2 Bonds
the void: white spy vs black spy?
Mollena: no
the void: Bond?
the void: ah, that’s what you meant by Bonds
the void: ok
the void: sorry
the void: which ones?
Mollena: Daniel Craig vs Sean Connery is fine.
the void: dig it
the void: we can use the other one if you want
Mollena : Brosnan doesn’t look like he’s hit a woman.
the void: but Sean Connery actually has a rep for smacking ho’s
Mollena: Craig would, Connery has.
Mollena: right. but I feel Craig would smack a bitch.
Mollena: plus this is a hypothetical.
Mollena: you can be a het male top and have an opinion as to which would be a more intriguing top
the void: well, we aren’t talking about Craig vs Connery, we are talking about Bond (Connery) vs Bond (Craig)
Mollena: yes.
Mollena: and Craig’s Bong seems ruthlesser
the void: he does indeed
Mollena: Bond
Mollena: ;))
Mollena: James Bong. I am sure stoners have done that to death
Mollena: so who do we have in the hopper:
Mollena: Khan
Mollena: Kirk
Mollena: Spock
Mollena: Walken
Mollena: Mr. Blonde
the void: Bill
Mollena: Sgt. Vasquez
Mollena: Grace Jones
the void: Stalin
Mollena: vs who?
the void: James Earl Jones’s voice
Mollena: roffle
Mollena: JEJ vs the “…IN a World…” movie trailer guy
Mollena: Chuck Norris
Mollena: Picard
the void: Rowdy Roddy Piper
Mollena: after “They Live” I just see him as such a sweetie, though!
the void: The Juggernaut
Mollena: oh, and Ash
the void: oooo, Dr X vs Magneto
the void: get topped by a guy who can control your mind
the void: Hilary Clinton
Mollena: ugh she’d be a fucking micromanager dom
the void: good foil to put up against someone else
the void: Bugs Bunny
Mollena: I think Vasquez will make it at LEAST to the finals
the void: doubt it
Mollena: gtfo!
the void: we’ll have to see who she lines up against
Mollena: how about Data vs. Bishop for some android goodness? Oo, or Rutger Hauer’s replicant dude character
the void: ooooo
the void: neither Data nor Bishop are hard enough
Mollena: some people like fluffy tops.
the void: the idea of Data trying to be a Daddy fills me with bile
the void: plus he has no emotion
Mollena: Data would be an EXCELLENT Daddy for a geeky person whose “Little” is very young
Mollena: and I think the Terminator doesn—
Mollena: ROBOCOP!!!
Mollena: *spikes the ball*
Mollena: well, RoboCop AFTER the flashbacks.
Mollena: Robocop vs. Replicant Rutger!
Mollena: …and Vasquez is a Pvt. not Sgt. My Bad.
the void: perhaps limiting this to humanoids might be better
the void: biological humanoids
Mollena: Robocop is a humanoid.
the void: debatable
the void: in fact, that was kinda the point of the movie
Mollena: I want to go back to the Czech Republic. I really liked it there.
Mollena: Zod vs. Ming…
the void: my Ming is so gonna wipe the floor with Zod
Mollena: you realize of course you can’t bring in the monkey dudes or whatever in this situation
the void: I don’t need the monkey dudes, I’ve got Bore Worms
Mollena: you can’t use animals. Period.
Mollena: it is one of the VERY basic kink things.
the void: how do you know they’re actual animals?
the void: and it’s not like anyone will be fucking them
Mollena: pretty much kids / scat / animals are basic baselines, with scat being the dirty secret.
the void: you’re just trying to handicap
Mollena: No this is the rules. I am simply negotiating ahead of time :-P
the void: ok, no henchmen allowed
the void: but I do keep the mindprobe and the magic ring
Mollena: sorry what? I am already imagining being slapped by Sean Connery. Ssssh.
the void: you should be thinking about lying on a levitating black onyx slab bound by golden metal hands while a tall man dressed to make a pimp cry finds all of your dirty secrets to use against you
the void: just before he laughs demonically
Mollena: he just looks too flaming!
Mollena: the fact that all Bonds have suit / gun shots that reflect the slight variations because of the decades of time passed is intriguing
Mollena: Connery’s Bond would have a martini in one hand and do some fucked up shit with the other, and you know Craig’s Bond only plays sober.
the void: not in the movies he didn’t
Mollena: No? Ah well. I am secondhanding my impressions.
Mollena: never actually saw the latest Craig offerings.
the void: they’re well worth watching
the void: that’s a sexy man
Mollena: To out myself I am not a huge Bond fan. just because I don’t like “thrillers”
Mollena: but yeah, the fuckability is a critical issue
Mollena: he’s by far the most sexytime bond.
Mollena: OMG this is sooo good
the void: so the question here is class vs hard
Mollena: class
the void: Connery has class, he’s early sixties smooth
the void: Craig is 00’s hard
the void: Connery Bond will buy you a drink and while you chat about inane things your panties seem to work their way down your leg of their own accord
the void: Craig Bond says something kind of dumb like in QoS “I can’t find the stationary, can you come in here and help me?” flat. You know if you go in that room, this man is going to fuck you. You are powerless to stop it.
the void: The Connery Daddy will be a chatty daddy, telling you, much like his adversaries, of all the horrible things he’s about to do to you with a wry smile on his face
the void: The Craig daddy, says nothing at all, just looks at you with those crisp blue eyes while he tightens the straps down
Mollena: he is much colder.
Mollena: but then secretly not
Mollena: but is.
the void: definitely secretly not, you are correct
the void: Connery will fuck the chick he’s supposed to kill, Craig will just off the bitch
the void: He’s got that animal pain inside of him, but he’s a 00 executive, he sublimates that shit and lets it out when appropriate
the void: all along your tired, welped ass
Mollena: I just don’t see there being much flirting, negotiation and finesse with Craig-Bond
the void: not vocally no
the void: Connery smiles when he schmacks you across the mouth, Craig grimly poker faced grabs your throat
the void: but the eyes, oh fuck yeah, those eyes are telling you what your in for
Mollena: it isn’t “You’ve been a naughty girl blah blah” probably you would walk into the house and suddenly be fucking terrified and not know why and he is all ambushing your ass with a bush knife at your snatch.
Mollena: So, it is a very tough call.
Mollena: For me personally.
the void: aI think they would have very different hands
the void: and that would be important
the void: Connery hands softer, but quick with a schmack! Craig, all cables and vices
the void: and I think that Connery, whilst an abler tweaker of nipples, would be gentler with the boobies, while Craig would smack those puppies until the entire mass was red and hot
Mollena: plus you have once-a-night long slow leisurefuck vs “rapid-repeater-leave-you-there-whimpering-on-the-floor-and-come-back-at-you-an-hour-later-for-more” kind of approach to fucking.
Mollena: I think the final verdict is that Connery would be more a sensual sadist and Craig would be more cruelly sadistic.
the void: Connery would slap you in the face with his cock
Mollena: [REDACTED]
the void: [REDACTED] digs it
Mollena: yeah…well.
the void: <- Connery Bond.
the void: you’re obviously looking more for the Craig type
Mollena: NO. I am trying to disabuse myself of the idea that those men are good for me.
Mollena: It is the internal desire for annihilation that attracts me to that and it isn’t healthy.
Mollena: *shrug*
Mollena: There really is a point where being at the whim of a certified sadist isn’t OK.
Mollena: and the people for whom that IS ok are not…well.