H(otel) NT…hello, Portland.
Portland, second year in a row for KinkFest. The folks here absolutely are among the most awesome hosts ever.
I’m a cranky nervous poopiepants.
The SuperShutle was late and had a harrowing series of pickups and a driver with no clue how to get anywhere aside from relying on GPS which, in SF, can be dodgy.
But I made it.
And the had a kind of lame flight and despite my less-than-stellar seatmate, I’m here and enjoying one of my fave fetishes…hotel staus.
I had to change rooms, but the hotel folks were most generous and cool. But that ice machine was SERIOUSLY gonna keep me up, yo!
But I am here and a shower was had, and so I share it with you.
Happy HNT :-)

Welcome to the good side of the country!
Y’know, if you ever get sick of flying to Portland and you’re in the mood for a road trip… I’m very literally halfway between you and PDX. Plus, I might go the rest of the way with you depending on what you’re going for…
Can I climb in there with you? A nice cool (I just like cool water better than warm) sounds absolutely amazing at this point.
That looks might refreshing, my dear. :-)
There’s something about a hotel that always gets me going, too! The nice clean fancy ones are so decadent… and the cheap no-tell motels are so sleazy. *grin*