Sunday Morning Sexytime Story: “The Giving Tree”
Note: this covers some moderate “Daddy / girl ageplay” stuff,so if that is a trigger for you, please take care of yourself and move on to another SMSS!

Note: this covers some moderate “Daddy / girl ageplay” stuff,so if that is a trigger for you, please take care of yourself and move on to another SMSS!
Dude, that cracked me the fuck up, too! I was laughing so loud I’m surprised no one came into my room and asked what the hell was so funny! I’m still fucking giggling over here.
Oh, and I totally adore Bukowski. And now I adore you even more for liking him. :D
21 seconds till the end, you say butt fuckin. thought you needed to know.
I almost pee’d my bed at this story, for the record!
killer piece……
lamesabassman….. so hellacool 2