Can you Help with Ms. SF Leather?
Having recently thrown my corset into the ring, as it were, I am proud and excited to announce I will be running for Ms. SF Leather in October!
The contest, dormant for many years, is being revitalized this year and I am glad to be a part of this historic event.
As you may know, it is tradition for people running for the sash to present gift baskets that can be offered for silent auction at the event. The finds thus raised benefit the Travel Fund, and help support the Title Holder as she travels to various events representing the SF Bay area.
Here is where you may be able to help!
If you would be willing to donate something to the basket, be it kinky goods, pervy services, BDSM oriented toys, gift certificates, anything hella cool, that would be fantastic! Â If you’ll donate it, I’ll basket it!
I would not only be most appreciative, I would also list you as a sponsor of my “Run for the Sash” on my website here at The Perverted Negress. No gift is too small, and your consideration is very much appreciated.
If you can help, please Email-Me here (please note, the form works but 8is a little passive-aggressive as it won;t acknowledge your attentions to it. I’m working n having it flogged and put on a time-out until it adjusts its attitude)
You can also contact me on Twitter!