Sunday Morning Sexytime Story: TMI for AA
After epic fail three times trying to update this shit finally here it is.
I’m upgrading my ^%$# AT& service so I don’t have to go through this shit any more.
Dag, Yo.
Come on in, y’all.
Sunday Morning Sexytime Story: TMI for AA from Mollena Williams on Vimeo.

If I ever need to go to an AA meeting, I will be sure and go to yours. :-)
.-= Sasha Pixlee´s most recent blog moment of Zen on the net was…Sasha’s Den of Iniquity Podcast – Episode 6 – Mad Men Drinks, Part Two: The Guys =-.
Ours is the best!
We have a sling and everything!
.-= mollena´s most recent blog moment of Zen on the net was…DIY Distress. =-.