Start Spreadin’ the News…
Got some gigs booked for NYC, people! I am deeply delighted honored and straight up wiggly at the prospect of going Home and being able to perv out with new and old friends.
Here is the line-up so far…and if you know of a venue or organization whom I ought to contact and squeeze in to this trip, give me a holler!
I’ll be presenting for the FANTASTIC Lesbian Sex Mafia on March19th. As of now, I’m leaning towards the class on “Playing with Taboos” HOWEVER I am open to suggestions!
The venerable Eulenspeigel Society (TES) will be the site of my presentation RACE: The Final Frontier and will be a(no doubt) lively discussion on the topic of playing with racial and cultural identity in BDSM. That’s March 16th, 2010.
I hope ain’t no picket lines and crap…I am SO not in the mood for more BeeEss!
I am SUPER excited that I will be at “In The Flesh” on March 18th for “BDSM Night!” I may well be reading excerpts from my piece on race play which appears in the upcoming “Best Sex Writing 2010”
Yay! I’m also starting to contact some of the kick-ass photographers with whom I’ve worked or woudl like to work and see if we can get some stuff rolling….if you know of any way cool stuff going on, or you want me to BE the way-cool going on, let me know! The plane ticket isn’t booked yet and I am raring to make this trip a memorable one!

I’d love to see you present the Lone Ranger or Playing with Strangers when you’re at LSM! (I peeked at your class list and those caught my eye.)
I THINK I’m doing the “Playing with Race” class for them, but I’ll have to double check! If it is still up for grabs, I’ll certainly pass your request on to them!
I hope you can make it either way :-)