The Negress Natters: On BDSM & Race Play.
Look, Ma! New Tech!
Welcome to what will probably be a new regular feature on The Perverted Negress!
I can talk and you can listen and I don’t have to fucking type. What’s not to LOVE?!
Check out the post on race play inspired by Jaki, who sent me a message on FetLife and then motivated me to respond.
Now, with no further buttfuckery, you can listen to me nattering for a bit here!
Obviously, this isn’t comprehensive but I hope it gives a little insight to interested parties and the curious. Feel free to post your comments, but be advised, asshole douchebaggery won’t be tolerated. I will hex you. Srsly.
Love and fluffybunbuns!

Holy shit it worked. You guys are fucked now. New on The Perverted Negress: audioboo on “race play”…
@mollena Me wants more info on how you did audio posts. I HATE typing so I don’t update mah blog w/ all the brilliance in my head :(
I have never heard race play so intelligently explained. People ask me what it’s all about and I hadn’t found anything that I felt really did the topic justice… until now.
thank you… <– my first AudioBoo post! This is a reply to a thought-provoking message from a fellow #FetLifer…yep. Race play!
@Mollena how is the perverted negress and her minions?
@Mollena Are you okay? Shit, between your rampaging eyelashes and injured feet can you burn some sage already and be done with it?
@Mollena Generally dislike audio blogs, but a) it worked on iPhone, b) was stunningly thought provoking c) I’m now in love with your voice.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by mzmartipants, Caisa Viksten. Caisa Viksten said: The Negress Natters: On BDSM & Race Play. […]
I did read your full four interviews the other day, but I didn’t have a chance to comment.
Have I mentioned your voice is ridiculously sexy?
So. Race play. I’m okay with the IDEA of it. If people like to wear Nazi outfits and thats “OKAY”, and do Daddy/girl play, why not go further into the sick and taboo?
But ME doing it? Eeek. Scary.
The only person I’ve considered indulging in race play with (someone who approached me in a professional capacity — I’m a pro-Domme as well as a lifestyler) was a gentleman who did some phone interviews with me and was really into a ‘white slavemaster’ thing. And yeah, I told him I wasn’t sure if I wanted to do that kind of scene or not, but I wasn’t ready to say no right off. Anyway, at some point, he asked me if I was really a racist. And I wasn’t sure what to say, at first — wondering if saying NO was going to ruin his fantasy. But I’m an honest person, and I said, “No. I’m really not.”
And was quiet for a bit and then he said — “Well, … That’s good. I mean, I guess it’s better if you’re just playing at it. As erotic as it might seem to think of you as a real white supremacist, I wouldn’t be SAFE if you were, would I? I guess deep down, it’ll make me feel a lot better that you genuinely respect and care for me.”
And it was when he said THAT — that he felt BETTER about me pretending — that I truly felt like he was someone I could explore that with. I’m not sure if I could ever really find it a turn on, or whatever, but I felt like I could trust him, as my bottom, to be making the right choice for himself by playing with ME. Not someone else, who didn’t give a shit about him and was just out to make money.
But — I’m still pretty scared of being in that role. I have a phobia of being a monster because of my sadism — identifying with any of the REAL monsters of history makes me a little closer to that and it would be painful and scary. Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be willing to CONSIDER exploring it for someone I cared about. It’s an edge, though.
Really though. It’s so much more taboo than Nazi uniforms, age (molestation) play, rape play, the inquisition… and I have no idea how, since those are all real atrocities as well. Hmm. Odd.
.-= Miss Alice´s most recent blog moment of Zen on the net was…Teaching “Anal Sadism†for the First Time =-.
Thank you for your very thoughtful reply, Miss Alice! The situation you describe really resonated for me, and you underscore the risk inherent for tops and dominants who play in this realm.
I do believe it IS one of the greatest taboos for Americans, because it is OUR history, it is NOT all that far behind us, and the repercussions reverberate today. It is part of the fabric of America, and that isn’t going to have the same impact as other types of play that aren’t in our nations’ blood, or are universal taboos (i.e. rape and incest.)
I think your cautious approach bodes well for a responsible take on that type of scene.
Be well, and think you again!
.-= mollena´s most recent blog moment of Zen on the net was…A Lust of Shakespearean Dimensions. =-.
The audio format works *really* well for you. As beautifully as you write, when you speak you can communicate so much more, both in words and by inflection. Plus, your speaking voice is like honey on velvet.
I have an ex-owner, a white man (you know who he is, Mo) who grew up in the segregated deep South. He was descended from sharecroppers and had KKK forebears. He came full circle, unlearning racial hatred and embracing the black experience (for lack of a more accurate, more verbose description). He has engaged in some hot race play. He’s the one who first introduced me to the concept and, as I recall, he was introduced to it himself by you, Ms. Mollena.
For me, SM is largely about going in to those uncomfortable places–pain, humiliation, fear, even hatred–those places we commonly avoid–and wallowing in them, transforming them, taking power in places where we previously felt as though we had none. By that definition (which is mine only), race is one of the most fertile areas in which to play. Brava, Mollena, for having the ovaries to educate folks about this.
All those years of voice training and my un-prepped voice is the one people find “sexy” :-D Go figure!
Thank you for reminding me that this really, really DOES fit within the paradigm of WIITWD rather than being some sort of horrible aberrant behaviour which should be stamped out at all costs…which is how I feel when I let the haters naysayers, doubters and the fearful eat away at me.
Thank you for your support, and for being there.
Thank you.
Thank you for addressing my questions and taking the time out of your day to really help me. I can’t even begin to comment past that because I want to really give an answer that is worthy of the time you gave yours.
You are absolutely welcome, Jaki, and I thank you for catalysing what might have been left in my head.
.-= mollena´s most recent blog moment of Zen on the net was…Submission is delicious. With gravy. And stuffing… =-.
Mz Mollena,
That was fantastic. Very thought provoking words.
I really like the idea of listening to your voice rather than read through a wall of emotionless text. I think i see the future.
Thank you so much for listening! I hope that my writing isn’t “emotionless….but I do understand the power of tone and timbre! ;-)
Mo! I absolutley loved it! You have taken the discussion on raceplay to a new level, you have introduced a level of transendence of race much like President Obama did during his campaign. I applaud you, the new audio blog work very well its a keeper. BTW it also helps that we get to hear that sexy voice of your as well! Keepem coming Mo!