Happy Birthday Lolita!
I am fortunate. I am lucky to have “Grown up” in one of the more vibrant and open cities when it comes to alternative lifestyles. As a magnet for all manner of freaks, San Francisco is one of the crossroads: all of the “Big Name Fancy Perverts” come on through.
My favourite part of getting to know high-profile kinksters is when I realize that they are “just folks” and than their knowledge and standing and cred doesn’t make them inaccessible.  One of the women I have respected for a very long while is Lolita Wolf, and I am fortunate enough to have had our paths cross, and have been able to go from dorky fan girl to dorky fangirl and occasional fortunate recipient of her amazing attentions.
After I managed to stammer out some doofy inquiry, I wound up landing myself spot #23 on her “100 Divas” list. And never in my life have I been so glad to have been twenty-third.
You can read my account of this truly delightful encounter here…
SO, on the occasion of her birthday, I say Happy Birthday, Lolita! I also say Thank you for all you do to educate and inspire, for your warmth and honesty and sparkly smile and playful, sweet sadism.
Furthermore, I also say you can smack me around any time you damn well feel like it and I’m within striking distance.
Thou art awesome!
With Love…

Thank you for this lovely birthday tribute.
.-= Lolita Wolf´s most recent blog moment of Zen on the net was…NYC Weekly Leather Dates: Feb 18-24 =-.
You are most welcome!
much love
.-= mollena´s most recent blog moment of Zen on the net was…Looking onward to International Ms. Leather! Can you help? =-.
[…] Mollena Williams wrote an awesome tribute for my birthday. […]