HNT ~ makeup and Vicodin.
Last night I was fortunate to spend the evening doing a shoot for the Folsom Street Fair Poster. I’m so grateful and straight up THRILLED to have been invited to participate! Sadly, 5 days of tooth pain, a really deep root-canal and 3 days of MORE pain made it hard to struggle through. Chin up, buttercup, carry on!
The current International Ms. Leather, Lamalani, was there. As someone in the running for IMsL 2010, it was great to be able to chat a bit with her.
Being an absolute clod when it comes to makeup, I took advantage of the fact that I work with a YouTube famous makeup guru, and asked her to do my makeup before my co-worker, SparklyDevil and I left for the shoot.
I think Jackie  did an awesome job! When photographers and drag queens are telling you you’re looking pretty good, you know it is jumping off!  You should check out Beauty Chaotic, if you, like me, are hopeless with makeup OR if you are awesome with makeup and want to get the scoop on new makeup trends and stuff!  She has a YouTube channel too, so subscribe there.
By the time I got home, my recently root-canaled tooth was jumping jiving and wailing, but I took a few shots before popping a Vicodin and felling asleep. Dental pain isn’t easily eroticized, yo.
So, I hope that, on this HNT, you aren’t struggling with tooth pain and a headache while trying to pack for a red-eye to Washington DC to chill with a thousand perverts for the weekend…!
Happy HNT!

Twas an easy assignment given the perfection that was my canvas =D
.-= Jackie´s most recent blog moment of Zen on the net was…Hard Candy Eye Duos – I Heart Them! =-.