International Ms Leather 2010, At Your Service.
More to follow…I leave for a week in Florida tomorrow morning.
I have so many to thank, and I will, soon. To the Producers, The Judges, the AMAZING women with whom I ran, my sponsors, my supporters, My Leather Family, Patti my backstage Goddess and Tee, my Sister, thank you.
Please meet my Sash Spouse, International Ms. Boot Black 2010, Jayson Da Boi!
Follow IMsL info on Twitter at @IMsL2010!

You are so awesome Mollena and look beautiful!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
.-= pixie´s most recent blog moment of Zen on the net was…aaaah the dork in me .. giggles =-.
Also, you do look goddamn fine.
and nice skirt ;)
Congrats love, you deserve it…
.-= The Wandering Star´s most recent blog moment of Zen on the net was…Lauryn Hill Comes Out for the Cameras =-.
Congraulations! Couldn’t have been bestowed on anyone more deserving.