Know Your Negroes.
From Southeast Leatherfest and I am thrilled to present:
Q is awesome! Vi Johnson is a Living Leather Legend, and Griot of the Leather Community. I’m just Mo.
I have been mistaken for Q no less than 8 times. This weekend I was mistaken for Mother Vi Johnson. Q has been mistaken for me once. I present the photo above as a Public Service Announcement.
Thanks, Perverts! Pass it on!

.-= Margo Eve´s most recent blog moment of Zen on the net was…Joss Whedon & the Avengers & My Prediction =-.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Mollena and MargoEve, Sophia Sky. Sophia Sky said: RT @Mollena: Leather Public Service Announcement. Know Your Negroes, people! […]
Got to love it.
Because, you know, we all look alike. Lordy.
We can has t-shirts?
Hah! I was mistaken for you at Bawdy once, notwithstanding the fact that I’m shorter than you and my fro is much, much bigger. Curvy black women are all the same, amirite? They called out “Hey Mo!” as I entered the building but I didn’t turn around to correct them… because I didn’t want to embarrass them. What a softy!
Completely off topic, but I love your shirt :)
Hello! I came across your page in hopes of finding other African American pages through Gloria Brames blogroll. As I was reading your blog I came across this page and saw the photo with the one and only Vi Johnson! She autographed a book of hers for me years ago and allowed me the honor of wearing her *heavy heavy* leather vest at a function she spoke at here in Atlanta years ago. She is a remarkable woman…
Congratulations on your title. I am sure you must be pleased. May I please with your permission add you to my links page through black planet and my other blog ? Thank you kindly…
In leather,