On my way to S.E.L.F.
Nah, it ain’t some crunchy navel-gazing post. I am on my way ot the Southeast Leatherfest. And, believe it or not, this will be the first time I’ve traveled to a leather event at which I was NOT presenting since my very first Black Rose back in in 1998.
What  long strange trip it’s been.
I am looking forward to hanging out with my “twin” Q, and meeting new folks…and checking out the five (!!!) Titleholder contests being held there.
What I am VERY much looking forward to is not having to fret about classes, about formal appearances, about having to be somewhere.
Long time coming I get to be a Citizen at a Leather Event!
Well..as much of a Citizen as I can ever be with my crazy-ass self.
Are you gonna be there? Let me know, and do say hello!

Have fun!
.-= The Hooker Chronicles´s most recent blog moment of Zen on the net was…Guys I’d Fuck – Giacomo Casanova =-.