Osculation. Elevated.
“The Decision to kiss for the first time is the most crucial in any love story. It changes the relationship of two people much more strongly than even the final surrender; because this kiss already has within it that surrender.â€
~ Emil Ludwig
I tell people kissing is underrated. It is so intimate, and so particular, it often gets missed. Kissing is the fingerprint for the rest of your sexuality. I have yet to have a relationship with someone I considered a bad kisser.
I think it is more intimate than fucking. I’ve had wild romps and never kissed the other person involved. I had a play partner who, because to the constraints of his primary, wasn’t allowed kissing as part of his scening. I spent a couple of years in service, where kissing was a rare and reserved bit of intimacy so scarce, it felt a semiprecious moment in time’s daily flow.
And in retrospect, that kinda sucked.
The last time someone kissed me, it was an interesting movement in the symphony of the whole encounter. Interestingly, before getting down to the business of deviant and perverted practices, we’d a conversation about kissing and the joys of simply making out. I then spent the next hour wondering when and if I was going to be able to sample this particular flavor of contact because of The Withholding.
They were Withholding the kissing. At first it was a simple pull-me-in-close-and-breathe-in-my exhalations kind of Witholding. The it became that Tango pause where the one leading the dance draws, with a sudden and rotating arc, the person they are leading to withing a moment of a kiss, in the throes of an embrace, only to whirl them away again with the viewer left longing for more. In this case, I was left longing, as well. After a while of this, I thought “Well, maybe they aren’t going to kiss me after all. I guess that’s just how it will be then…”
Yeah so let’s reiterate, I’m submissive. Especially sexually. If a dominant person is doing their evils upon me, and there is a sexy facet as well, I’ll never bethe one to make the aggressive move unless I’m given permission to.
THEN I’ll gnaw you like a hambone.
But otherwise I do kind of do my delicate trembling thing, and it can take a while before I’m in a sure enough place to let go and be fully present in my body.
SO naturally, when I’m being rather insidiously tortured by a slyly grinning sadistic fuck who moves close to me … within what seems hair’s breadth of putting their mouth on mine and then….stops…I wait. I wait frozen, in fact. Because if I move at all, I might be in the position of taking that kiss and it isn’t mine to take.
It occurs to me that this submission is not so different than the reflexive submission that bemuses me when it surfaces. Wouldn’t it be fine for me to breach that last millimeter and simply kiss them? But it isn’t you see because in that moment? I want what they want and if what they wanted was to kiss me then that would be what they’d do, dammit and I’m not gonna fall for the trap of presumptuousness…
As much as dominants say they love sexually submissive people, I’m not sure I’ve run into many of them. Or perhaps the more accurate statement is, Ive not communicated well enough that for me, that means “Hey, look, once you’re inThe Sanctum you can do pretty much what you want, and I’ll do pretty much whatever you want but you really have to call the shots, OK?”
But I digress.
Waiting for someone you really want to kiss you to bridge that gap is possibly one of the hottest things. Ever. The buildup of energy is a living thing and the potential just builds and builds until it is unbearable as a full bladder tense as a headache prickly as the moment just before you are fully ransacked by a devastating orgasm…and then it gets worse.
Silent pleas, active passivity and psychic longing has a frequency that some people know how to imbibe and take in and in this moment … you know, the moment before the actual kissing started, I felt myself sinking and shrinking yet opening and expanding simultaneously because once they broke that tango freeze, once the leader of the dance pulls you closer and then, after lingering in that liminal state of before the kiss finally finally finallyfinallyfainally the flesh meets the flesh and the anticipation discharges and barrels out in all directions scattering the potential energy to the furthest reaches of the physical body and beyond into…other places.
Other places.
I am not sure I know where those other places are.
But I do now remember why I do so love kissing.
I remember vividly.

So. Well. Said.
p.s. I received your hug from COPE :-)
Woo! The “Remote Hug Express” triumphs again!” :-D
Thanks — this is a really hot post. I love this dynamic too. A kiss can be the best, sweetest reward.
Oh god, do I ever know how you feel, being myself caught right now in that torturous mental game of “do I kiss/do I wait for them to kiss/godPLEASEkissmealready!” I so want to and the rational part of my brain knows they want to as well, but there’s still that little “what if” block in my brain that says I MAY be crossing some sort of boundary, so I should just let them make the move when they’re comfy. And in reality, they’re probably thinking the same about me.
Yes…kissing is blissfully wonderful. I love it.
After reading this post, I feel like I’ve been kissed.
You captured so well the wonderment, longing, anticipation and the lingering state and finally finally the kiss.
Thank you Mo.