Great galloping Ganesha. It was too obvious.
As I lie here wishing I could sleep and not having much success and running too many emotional subroutines I started with one of my really illin’ nagging mental loops.
I was doing a reflexive self-deprecation thing, underscoring my unworthiness in general for doing some stupid shit or other. It doesn’t really matter and what is even more hilarious is now I can’t even recall what it was about.
I recently had someone express to me their desire to have me reveal a whole lotta me. They also expressed other desires I am not going to talk about now. The important thing is that, because this person happens to have the odd capacity to make their requests feel like foregone conclusions, and that my heart clicks right into “OK, how can we make this happen?” without pause, of course I’ve been spending the last little while remembering what it feels like to have submission and obedience be unthinking.
I was rooting around on my blog and happened to find some posts that reminded me of how often and in what interesting ways I’ve pondered this question and it gave me pause.
This lead to a further dig to an older LiveJournal Post of one of my mental struggles with my Demon. One might think I’ve many, but really no, it is just Bubbles. She’s in a transitional period, and we are closer to a symbiotic relationship now
What the fuck am I talking about here…oh yeah.
All this is to say as that poor tired hyena wheezed that same old tired saw about my not being worthy I turned to look at her and said “Hey kiddo…you know what? Out of the thousands and thousands of people we’ve met, you know who the only ones around are who don’t think we deserve the best shit handed to us with a flourish and a fucking doily?”
She’s eyeballing me now. Kind of sadly, because when a part of yourself that ran you near to death…literally…feels itself losing the toothy grip it had on your life, it mourns itself.
“Yeah,” she whispers. “Only Us.”
“Right, ” I reply. “Only us. And if we can’t see past fear and old patterns and memories and habits that no longer serve…if we can’t look beyond expectations and see that living in the moment is the bravest thing we can do…if we don’t jump off of this cliff again, and trust we will land on our feet and our paws again, what the fuck are we doing at all?”
What the fuck indeed.
I’d be a pretty sad “teacher” if I didn’t follow my own advice. If I didn’t advocate for myself. If I wasn’t ready to take responsibility for myself.
The good and the bad.
I take responsibility for the bad easily. But the good? Bubbles like to couch that in simple arrogance. But it ins’t.
If I don’t see myself as a fucking superstar, capable of anything that I put my mind to, and a person who also identifies as a submissive and identifies as a slave who would bring love, light, honor, magnificence and epic win to whomever was fortunate enough to possess me fully, I’m fucking myself over.
And  I do not want to fuck myself over.
I’m pretty awesome. And it isn’t just my Mom who says so. And unless there is an international conspiracy to blow sunshine up my ass, I have empirical evidence that I am, in the words of Earth Wind & Fire, A shining star, shining bright to see what I can truly be.
I love my hurt, scruffly, filthy starved Demon. I no longer think I need to excise pieces of myself to be healthy. I can embrace the fractured facets and make them into bits of the mosaic that is me.
And I love me. And I am content to open myself to previously unseemly possibilities because…why the fuck not.
When I act as if I cannot fail, I win.
When I KNOW in my heart I am valuable, lovable and loved, I win.
When I know that I can take all of who I am and offer it to Someone and know that this is the regalest and most precious place for me to be, full of power, and on my knees, I fucking win.
When I am willing to support myself, love myself, and remain vulnerable even in the face of the terrifying void of the unknown, I win.
What a weight lifted.
I am free of failure, because…no matter what happens? I am cared for.
And I have me.
And I am pretty motherfucking badass.

You are badass. And if you ever forget it, I will personally hunt you down and lay some rubber chicken shaped welts all over your… wait, that is not exactly a deterrent, is it?
Not really dude…no. Sorry! :-D
whew… again with the reading my mail stuff! Is there some sort of Karmic thing going on that states I must come and read your stuff when I know what I want to say but cant figure out what words I need to use??? What you write here always seems to say exactly what’s going on with me and I swear Im not trying to stalk you or anything weird. It’s just a lil different to have someone else going through the exact same stuff I am and be able to put it in to words so much better than I can. Thank you again for the insights and the willingness to put it all out there for us to feel with you.
Thank YOU for reading and for the feedback….it helps me to feel a lot less “as sea” with my weirdness, yanno?
This one had me in tears. YOU ARE BADASS! You are amazing, wonderful, and stronger than you remember except in these moments of clarity. Thank you for sharing this one. :)
((hugs)) thank you for reading it, sweetie.
Damn Skippy!
Dude. Took me long enough, huh? Thank you for always believing in me.
Here’s to living in the moment, and spreading our mosaic encrusted wings. I love you.
Much love to you too,my friend.
You are badass and wonderful.
All the accolades and validation from others mean nothing if you cannot love yourself. Accept that you are worthy of all the good that you receive.
“I can embrace the fractured facets and make them into bits of the mosaic that is me.” <= I'm so glad to read that and feel you believe it.
Girl, I’ve been going thru this thing. Trying to be superwoman and coming to terms with the fact I’m not, being ok with giving 80 percent instead of the 110 i always expect of myself. Failing at someting and feeling ok. I think sometimes we expect to much and we are our harshest critics. Now I’m learning to not always think negatively of myself, but look at the 80 percent of ass kicking I did do. Life is such a journey. xoxo Tazzie