Polyamory Weekly: The Monogamous Chick & The magic Banana.

My homegirl CunningMinx was gracious enough to welcome me to her lovely home while I was in Seattle a couple of weeks ago.  Since she is the Princess of Poly, and as we were dishing on my recent foray into the realm of polyamorous relationships courtesey of The Dominant Guy, she suggested I come on in as a guest of PolyWeekly. I wondered if poly people (who I assume are the target audience and further the VAST & overwhelming percentage of listeners) would give a shit about what the prickly emotionally monogamous gal snuffling around the lair of a polyamorous perv type wouold have to say. She assured me it would be OK, and made me pizza.

Polyamory Weekly #259:

Mo and the Magic banana.

It is actuallyless purient a reference than you might think, y’all.

And if you wana ask me something about what I said you’ll have to quote me, I HATE listening to myself talk and ain’t lost that yet.  So, refresh mah memory.


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