Every once in a while I get nicked by a hater or two. Or five. I have done the work to remind me it has nothing to do with me and everything to do with them. But sometimes I’m surprised at where the support for the haterism comes from, and I have to sit back for a moment.
And in those moments, I turn to the wisdom of Katt Williams to remind me to be grateful for haters.
I am responsible for who I am and I lay down to sleep and rise up from it living my truth with integrity. My motives are transparent. My life’s an open book.
Lurking haters can’t say the same.
Thank you, haters, for reminding me how valuable it is to be direct, to be honest, to live in integrity, and to act in good faith.

You must be doing something right to bring the trolls out.
Hahah! Katt is quite true but funny about it. :) No doubt
Bwahahahahahahaha, when I saw the title of this post in my reader, my first thought was of that Katt Williams bit! (I love Katt Williams!) He pointed out what I already knew – when people are hating on you, it just means your freaking awesome.
haters gon hate! Let em hate and do you =)