Win! [straight-up back-patting]
I have been invited to be a part of IvyQ. IvyQ is a rad badass LGBTQ conference, jointly hosted by a few schools of which you might have heard, like Princeton, Yale, Harvard, Penn, Brown, Columbia, Cornell and Dartmouth.
I am seriously so excited and honored and…and lots of stuff. That these schools not only see the value of educating folks on alternative lifestyles, but that I am able to represent US…us Leatherfolk, us perverts, we kinky people… and speak to hundreds of people about kink, leather, sexual freedom…yeah.
I am so proud, SO honored. I am feeling pretty awesome.

Hey, this is fantastic! Do you know WHEN this is going to be? Providence is sort of a second home to me (read: I know where to stay and where to eat and see cool shit and I am happy to share it).