Upcoming Gigs & Schtuff!
Best to keep busy when things get wonky, right? I have a few gigs in the pipeline for peeps in the North East or SF, so check ’em out!
Yale Sex week!
I’m performing with Bawdy Storytelling in the opening extravaganza for Yale Sex Week
Friday February 3rd, 9:00 PM ~ 12:00AM
Sudler Hall, Yale University

Along with Dixie De La Tour the Bawdy Storytelling Crew, I’ll be on the amazing Podcast RISK!! Check us out on next week’s episode. Should be pretty Damn Cool.
Kevin Alison’s work is awesome, and the show will, no doubt, ROCK the mic.
New England Fetish Flea!
February 10th ~ 12th I’m at the New England Fetish Flea
In addition to doing classes, I’m performing in some sort of kinky version of “Who’s Line is it Anyway,” I’ll let you in on an open secret: I fucking hate improv so this is gonna fucking suck.
Thursday, February 9th, Anthology Film Archives
32 Second Avenue (@ 2nd Street)
Cinekink is screening “Sisterhood of the Sash”
This is the debut of the documentary on International Ms Leather on the 25th year of the contest.
On Friday, February 17th, I’ll be speakin’ at Brown University as part of IvyQ, a queer student & allies event sponsored and hosted by the 8 Ivy League schools.
Bawdy Storytelling Fifth Anniversary!
On Saturday, February 18th, I’ll rejoin the Bawdy Storytelling Crew for the 5th Anniversary Gala in beautiful San Francisco. If you’re local to SF, please come out! And if you’d like to chip into the fund to help me get the hell out to SF without having to resort to a life of crime, click here! Wanna know why its so awesome? See me and some of the epic Bawdiers strut our stuff here!
Harvard Sex Week!
March 25th ~ 28th I’ll be up at Harvard for
Harvard Sex week bringing kink & Leather to the Ivies once again.
IMsL 2012!
Then it is back to SF for International Ms Leather 2012 and I WILL be getting judgmental up in that shit, yo.
“Good Goods”
I’m-a be running around NY and then setting in for a bit of a stretch in San Francisco, as I’ll be rehearsing and performing in Crowded Fire Theater’s production of “Good Goods” a play where I get to play an actual human. Not a god. Not a demigod, not a creature or a concept. Just a person.
And then…well, I think that’s enough for now.