Expertise ≠Invincibility.
Some sad and fucked up news hit my screen this afternoon. A rather well-known member of the Fetish community, the guy who owned and operated Kink Engineering passed away as a result of an accident while playing alone.
I absolutely cannot imagine what this is like for his partner, his close friends and family. And I am deeply appreciative that they chose to share the details of this accident. Most telling is this piece:
Never, ever get into a vac bed alone. There is no safe way to do so. The man who understood vac beds the best, in the whole world, wasn’t able to do it safely. Please do not allow this scene to replay with another person’s death.
RIP, Matt.
Kink Engineering’s philosophy continues to be safety first; therefore, even though it hurts to say it, we have a duty and responsibility to the community and to our past and future customers to be completely honest here.
Matt died, because he made a stupid decision to go into a vac bed alone, while Archean was out of town. He thought he had figured out the safety issues and created another layer of safety; he was wrong and it cost him his life.
There is no way that we at Kink Engineering could ever cover up the real cause of death and pretend it happened any other way, to do so would be a disservice to our customers, the community, and to Matt, who was adamant that vac beds be used responsibly and safely.
Matt’s death was a direct result of prolonged neck compression from the neck gasket. The bed he chose to go in had been custom fitted to Archean, who has a much smaller neck. The baro receptors in his internal carotid arteries signaled to his body that his blood pressure was dangerously high, and this sent off a vagal response to slow the heart. Since the signal of high blood pressure could not be relieved, Matt lost consciousness and the vagal response caused his heart to stop completely.
Had there been a person to assist outside the vac bed, they would have been able to get him out at the first sign of trouble or non-responsiveness. All Matt’s safety contingency plans relied on him still being conscious enough to implement them, and thus, they were useless.
Never, ever get into a vac bed alone. There is no safe way to do so. The man who understood vac beds the best, in the whole world, wasn’t able to do it safely. Please do not allow this scene to replay with another person’s death.
We will miss you and love you forever, Matty.
Thank you all for the sympathy and condolences in this very difficult time. For those of you wishing to send cards, you may send them to:
Elastica Engineering
388 Carlaw Ave, Unit 202J
Toronto Ontario