Five Days of Gatewood, Day 3: Clean shave. (NSFW)
I did as thorough I job as I could with the shaving. The inexpensive disposable razors are not optimal for getting too close without mircocuts but no serious exsanguination occurred. I took care to keep everything clean…shaving foam helped.
By the time I was done shaving, that moment of “UM, OK, so next is supposed to be the whole blowjob part of the shoot. And of course, I was still pondering my “Yes.”
Apparently my super thoughtful “Am I really about to blow this dude and let him photograph me doing it?” translates pretty well on film. While Logical Brain was all in a tizzy, the rest of brain was cruising along for the ride.
It was still oddly relaxed and casual for a shoot with a pornographic goal, really. And since I felt pretty good, I gave the final “Yeah, why not. Let’s go.”