I’m On THE Savage Lovecast!
I have been reading Dan Savage’s ponderings on sex and relationships since back in High School when we used to run to get the Village Voice, flip to the back, scan his column and gleefully read aloud each letter that opened with“Hey Faggot…” the reclamation of that term was radical for a whole lot of us who found ourselves on the poky end of society’s sticks.
Fancy my delight when I was able to send him the book than Lee and I wrote, since I knew that he, in the past, had lamented the lack of a “How To” guide for perverts.
Fast forward to…well, a couple of weeks ago when I squeeked aloud upon receiving an e-mail from his producer indicating he wanted me to be on his podcast!
You can buy it here http://www.savagelovecast.com/episodes/348#.UcnJHPn…
Yep, it costs $.99 but hopefully you can get it!
And if you want to listen to me for FREE, please subscribe to my brand spanking new podcast, Conversations With The Perverted Negress
On iTunes (there’s also a link to the right!) or on AudioBoo!
And if you have a question you’d like to have tackled by my and my SuperUber Twue Dominate Podcasty Ed MacMahon, aka J.P. aaka ControlEnthusiast (but don’t call him that, ’cause its just weird, yo.) please drop me a note…just click on the little envelopish button over there on the right…with the subject like PODCAST QUESTION!
Now….to force myself to listen to me talk…