International Ms Leather 2015 and me.
As International Ms Leather 2010, I weathered my own share of controversy. The IMsL 2015 has already weathered quite a bit of controversy. Those of you who have been following along on FaceBook and FetLife don’t need a rehash, but suffice to say that we’ve been waging wars on many fronts, starting with this image, which was to be the 2015 t-shirt.
I saw it as problematic FIRST and FOREMOST because your main job as IMsL / IMsBB is outreach. Kiiiinda hard to do that with a dickgun shirt. Secondly, in this climate of terrible gun violence, I thought it was insensitive to have a sexually violent image on the shirt for a women’s Leather event. This isn’t a handshake-image.
Many people thought this was true. Still others thought it a “politically-correct over-reaction.” In the ensuing debate, some really busted shit happened. People I trusted violated my trust and insulted me. Lines were drawn and the conversation got real ugly. I was accused of being a hypocrite, because I have done some edgy scenes. As if engaging in consensual BDSM role-play means I cannot stand against non-consensual violence? How that makes any sense is beyond me. But I digress…
But in spite of the flamewars, some folks stayed productive. And tried to make shit happen. Some folks got together and drafted a letter to explain what we were looking for, and what the Producers of IMsL could do to help heal these wounds. And the Producing team listened.
I want to thank Angel Adeyoha and Koja Adeyoha for doing so much heavy lifting with drafts of the letter. I need to thank Sharrin and Pat for actually listening and doing the work. I must thank Kona Katranya for being my Mahalia. And I gotta shout out Ms. South Africa Leather, Selogadi Mampane, for reminding me how fierceness can stand even when others tell you to stand down.
And no – NOW I feel like I can attend with an open heart.
Through the generosity of Herr Meister, I’ve been granted permission and the time to go to IMsL/IMsBB next month. I need to figure out the finances, but I have faith a way will be made. I know, I know, who the fuck cares if I go to a Leather Contest? But I know some do. And I feel now that so much has been sacrificed and so many good people have worked so hard that my body in the room does matter. So, I’m-a try to make it, y’all. Plus I hear that Dixie De La Tour is doing a Bawdy Storytelling event there on Sunday night. Y’all know I can tell some stories….

Sorry you had to deal with it. It seems really weird that the community would get hostile over an issue like this. Doesn’t make the community look very sane at all. I agree with you that the dick-gun image is inappropriate unless the NRA is co-sponsoring. It’s also just strange and not aesthetically good.