The Wedding

downloadThe universe has turned everything on its head, and  my wonderful owner, Georg Friedrich will marry me on September 25th. Some folks have asked about us being registered for the wedding, and I’ve dragged my feet on it because I am shy about these kinds of things. Shyness aside, this house slave would love fun gifts for our newlywed celebration, and we are touched and grateful that people wish to participate in the cerebration in this way!

Those who would like to peruse our Amazon Wedding Registry may do so here. We add random stuff at random so check back in a few days if you’re all like “Whatever!” at what you see! And hey, gift cards are always welcome.

If you are less inclined to give gifts, we are also helping the Temple Beth Emeth v’Ohr Progressive Shaari Zedek upgrade the sound system in their sanctuary! Our dear friend, Rabbi Heidi Hoover, not only officiated our collaring but her Synagogue is welcoming us into their sacred space to conduct our wedding. No, we aren’t converts to Judaism….however we have a connection to and respect for a people who would welcome us into their midst with such love and warmth.

Those who wish to make a donation can use my gMail account under Mojogoddess to do so. tn the memo field please put “DONATION To Temple Beth Emeth’s Sound System” and indicate if you need a receipt for tax purposes!

LiveStreaming will be available as well! 

The wedding begins at 1:00PM EDT, but the stream will likely be live before then.  The Password will be posted as a “Friends Only” post on Facebook, so if you are friends with either the Groom or Bride, you’ll have access!

Periscope will ALSO be available! Download and install the app ( You must follow user viviane212. As the feed will be private, you must follow her and she will follow you back

Thank you, friends. Your love and support and wonderful happy energy lifts us up.

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