Chasing the demon.
Since my Spousemeister was invited to be on of the masters in residence (heehee) at the Atlantic Center for the Arts, I of course would be accompanying him on a 3-week sojourn in Florida. In Summer. No Bueno. But I realised that one of the other master tracks was for writing and hey…I’m writing a thing…so I asked to join. Then I got slammed with a Bad Case of Impostoritis. Â So then also asked if I could participate in the presentations that were to be given by all of the participating fellows. Crazy right? Before I got up, I gotta tell ya, my watch pegged my heart rate at something like 164 BPM.
Even in these three days, I’ve felt so humbled and honored to be in the company of composers, visual artists and writers. Even in Florida…littered with Trump signs and gun stores.
Yeah, I had to go to Urgent Care (I HIGHLY recommend Atlantic Urgent Care) for allergies and asthma…and sure, the humidity makes me contemplate actually skipping dinner because of the 4 minute walk ot the dining hall…but this is pretty bad ass.
Anyway, I pulled 5 minutes of my piece outta my ass to share. Â Der Spousemeister was crying when I went back to my seat. I’m happy it moved him…he does need to write a bunch of music to bring it to the world.