Sometimes? Self-care is hamsters.
I have been paying especially close attention to my negative self-talk for the past year or so. And actively launching rebuttals. At first this seemed kind of fucking stupid (LOOK THERE SEE HOW EASY IT IS TO SMASH YOURSELF?!?) but I am never daunted by the ridiculousness of my harebrained schemes.
I say a LOT of nasty shit to myself.
But now I have a squad of brainhamsters whose sole job is to swarm that voice and lovebomb it into submission.
Sometimes it works.
Worst case scenario I have the magnificent mental image of 47 fat, fluffy, bright and beady eyed but determined hamhams in tiny colorful sweaters hugging it out, en masse, with a very cranky hyena. This alone is pretty great, and an excellent redirecting mental exercise.
Not even my worst enemies say shit that is as cutting and horrifying as what I have been saying to myself for almost all of my life. It is a hard habit to break, perpetually haranguing myself.
But I don’t think it is impossible. And today those little hamsters in sweaters seem to have won.

Where is our Mr. T. brainhamster at?
He’s back there under the pile pitying fools!!