Search results for: quick
When it is simple.
I didn’t break down crying. There were no other witnesses. I felt no cosmic upheaval. It was the middle of the afternoon in the middle of the country and I was in the middle of his dining room, in the middle of errands. We had been taking, since the day before, about expectations. He had…
Read MoreQuiet.
I handed over my cell phone with a wry smile when @TheDominantGuy held out his hand for it. Wednesday morning’s drive from the airport saw me handing over my external brain. I tend to be a bit of a mess without it to let me know where I am supposed to be and what I…
Read MoreMy fat black ass.
Despite having no lack of photos of myself in compromising positions, every time I do a fetish shoot, or one where I’m gonna have my big old butt in the wind, I become a bit apprehensive. Yeah yeah fat is flabulous etc. But like anyone, I can be a little self-conscious when it comes to…
Read MoreCapitalize this.
Capitalization’s a tricky thing. What gets caps and what does not when it comes to titles and people we have to address outside of their given names? The shit’s Byzantine, man. (I grabbed this from some grammar site where there was discussion about when pronouns are capitalized.) Names of relationships only when…
Read MoreHow he does it.
“How does he dominate you?†I was a bit taken aback by the question, indeed by the entire situation. I was in Los Angeles, on an extremely raw, wet and chilly Friday night. I was making an appearance on an internet radio show with a panel of folks that consisted of myself, two other kinky…
Read More1344.
Random celebration! Nah, its not any particular milestone. I was just thinking about the past few years and remembering this and that. Pondering how much has shifted, and what remains true. Today is my one thousand, three hundred and forty-fourth day sober. The day I walked into rehab was one of the worst of my…
Read MoreOn his time.
The Dominant Guy nudged me a few days ago about writing something. This immediately popped to the fore, but the past few days have been too thick with Things to focus on it. Thankfully the short hop from SeaTac to SFO cleared me enough to get this out. SO, here’sfor you, sir. Sometimes…
Read More38,000 feet. And falling.
Not particular in thought tonight. Up here on Delta flight 34. Newark to Amsterdam. I’m in 27F Just spilling. Let us see what evolves… There’s a tidal emotional pull I’m feeling of late, and I’d love to ascribe it to coincidence, hormones, projection, conjecture, hysteria or a psychic break. But I don’t think it is…
Read MoreMy heart is but a Selaginella Lepidophylla…
When I was in 6th grade, I went to the Museum of Natural History on one of many, many field trips. But this time, I bought something cool. It was called a Resurrection Plant. They are also known as The Rose of Jericho. It was a weird, brown ball and on the card stapled to the top of…
Read MoreHNT: Catharsis.
A couple of weeks ago my full-time employment-centric lifestyle evaporated, much more quickly that I thought would be the case in my life. That same week I received word that my roomie, who is awesome, was moving out as she and her girlfriend had found a place. All this as I was returning from a…
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