Posts Tagged ‘chicago’
IMsL & IML + LRA = ….???
Yeah, so WTF? LOL?! ZOMG! I will TELL you WTF! PARTY TIME, CHICAGO! Join the LRA CHicago and the International Ms Leather Contest over the International Mr. Leather Weekend! Even if you can’t make iot to IML, you CAN come on down and meet me, making my first (but sure as hell not my last!) appearnce in…
Read MoreThe more I change the more I stay the same.
So often one wonders how they wind up who they are. At least I do. I will be in a moment, living, thinking, doing whatever it is I’m doing and then part of my consciousness will pull back for a moment and say to the rest of my consciousness “Whoah. Really? Is this really happening?…
Read MoreShibaricon was the shizz, yo.
If you were at the FUCKING AWESOME Shibaricon in Chicago this past weekend, you know how much WIN was contained therein. I’ve been traveling bunches this past 6 months or so. More than ever before in conjunction with BDSM scene events. Much of the time, I spend an inordinate amount of time in my room…
Read MoreNot tidy. Not polished. Still real.
Trusting myself enables me to do truly miraculous things…like trust others. Trusting others enables us to do truly miraculous things, like make pain transcendent and find new ways to access our souls. In addition to this past weekend being my second anniversary of being sober (whee!) I was in Chicago to talk about a play-style…
Read MoreNot gonna tell you yet.
I have many words at my disposal…my odd propensity for occasionally reading dictionaries and my incessant hoovering of information blended with my never-ending quest for the most apt or surreal metaphors and similes rarely leaves me at a loss. Yet this weekend I found myself at a loss several times. I was in Chicago to…
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