“Ssssh…” Part II

“SomebodybettercovermymouthbecauseI’mabouttocome…” I think this photo, by the lovely and talented Stacie Joy, was snapped right as I stuttered out that request and observation. I found myself in the rather unique situation of being in bed with two dominant men and a photographer. As much as people don’t believe this of me, my actual history of…

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Shoutbacks & Shoutouts & Cupcakes.

I’m always a little “!!!?!?!?!?” when people mention, quote or talk about me in their writings.  But it makes all the gut-wrenching puling moaning and late night Waaaaaaaaaambulance calls worth it, if someone else can share in it with me. My entree to sex was awesome: I was 15, he was 18, we fucked all…

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