Posts Tagged ‘service’
“Topping from the Bottom”: what it is NOT.
I cringe and bristle when I hear the phrase “topping from the bottom” It is often used as a pejorative within the Leather and BDSM community to denote one who is in the position of receiving sensation (the bottom) directing or “topping” from what “should be” a subordinate place. The problem I have is this: the…
Read MoreCongratulations, Graduates of Journeyman III Academy!
A hearty Huzzah!!! To those graduating today from the Journeyman III Academy. Your commitment and dedication is an inspiration to those in the Leather Lifestyle who strive to better themselves and better serve. I am proud to call many of you friends and a few of you Family. There are many paths to choose when…
Read Moreteapot headtrip.
Sometimes, people who are involved in kink feel compelled try to explain to non-kink identified people why we do this kinky shit at all. Often, pervs will talk about their kink as though only other pervs do what we do, and no non kinky human can ever understand the “Depth” of service. The thing about…
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