HNT…boys don’t make passes…
…at girls who wear glasses.
Which is too bad, really.
Because being myopic has very, very few evolutionary advantages.
But one of them is this: I am essentially blindfolded once my glasses are off.
I can’t see much about your face.
I miss those subtle cues: the shift in your gaze, the inhale before a blow strikes. the sideways glance to see if that next delightful implement of torture and torment is ready to be deployed.
But when I CAN see you, it is when you are close.
Close enough for me to feel the breath through your nose. Your steady gaze as your fingers close, ever so slightly even more tightly on my neck and your mouth pulls the breath and the moan from my throat.
Making passes at girls with glasses means you have one. More. Thing. that you can, with deliberate slowness, take off of her trembling, wanton, lustful body.
Happy HNT!

Thank you, sweetie
Oh, there’s nothing wrong with girls in glasses!!!
CLEARLY a man of discernment and refined tastes!
I love girls in glasses!
Thank you Jade…happy )belated) to you as well!! :-D
Great pic! HHNT!
Thank you, Callie!!
And thank you for visiting!
Hey, I always thought there was a comma missing from the original quote. It should have been “boys, don’t make passes at girls who wear glasses.” Because, hey, girls who don’t wear glasses just can’t compete with those who do. :-)
Lovely photo, Mollena. Happy HNT,
Holy shit your correction to this tired old trope is delicious! Delicious and refreshing as an ice cold fucking ginger beer, dammit!!
Thank you for visiting! :-D
I wear glasses.
And when I started putting out tiny little tendrils of sexual honesty in the general direction of the person I’d spent ten years sleeping in the same bed with, one of the very first things he gifted me by letting me see were his porn bookmarks.
It didn’t sound romantic.
But I cried when I saw that his favorite site was (okay, it’s funny, too, laugh,) The Joy of Spex.
Boys do so make passes at girls who wear glasses.
I am living proof.
That made me smile and broughteded The Warm Fuzzies to my cockles, too!! :-D
Thank you for visiting, Ms. Lily Loyd!!
bah …humbug……
and I say why
’cause I’m the kinda guy
who loves women
who where
such lasses
indeed …. for if such wrenches were not to be
there be no modern history
for all the Ladies that were stabile
were the ones who wore glasses
who brought much to the table
so glasses just shade the fact
that a whole lot of passion
hides so effortlessly
behind a mask of demure
come closer,ma petit
for I see your eyes
when I sleep
but silent, I must keep……
and the vision above
I will keep close always,
such a grand image
to behold……
go’wan wid your bad self
for the best is yet,
2 be………..
lamesabassman….. ya gone clear,staa……
You blow me away in some new manner every time you post but this is breathtaking!!!
RESPECT, my friend! :-D
[…] the perverted negress Share and […]
you are the Queen of Hotness.. no matter what you do or do not have on your body.. and you’ve made an excellent argument for girls with glasses.. I have taken note.
Thank you big daddy K!!
((Much love))
Love the blog. Personally… I think glasses can be very sexy on a woman. Maybe it’s the schoolteacher fantasy, but there’s something fucking hot about it.
I think it is because they both attract attention to and slightly obfuscate your most critical weapons of sass flirtation: the eyes. They are a peerless accessory when it comes to sly glances over, under, around and through those slightly distorting lenses.
Yep. Total winz1!
Thank you for reading!