Talkin’ dirty…
Ah, the eternal question.
Whether it is the word or the connotation, calling people names is hot for many people, not just hardcore perverts.
But we all have preferences, and I’m curious…what does it for you?
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Drop a note in the comment field if you wanna elaborate!
I have my personal preferences…
See, the mouthfeel of “slut” hasn’t ever worked for me. It is neither concept nor connotation, it is just the way the word flipfishily in my face.
“Whore…”however…whispered with heat and disgust tinged with…maybe…a little lust?
Wobblyextremity time.

Neither one really turns me on. However, I refer to myself as a slut. I would never call myself a whore, and I’d be pissed if someone else did.
I completely agree… I refer to myself as slut too (I’m male) but don’t think it’d ever use whore… I give it away, I don’t sell it. :D
Also in no particular order: cunt bitch hole motherfucker. Whore can work for me but only from the right person for the most part. There have been two that I can think of where it worked and it worked damn good.
I proudly wear several different kinds of slut tags. Anyone who calls me a whore better make sure the bondage is secure, and then when it’s time for it to come off leave and send someone back to untie me, because if they’re still around the response will be unpleasant… the bad way. I can’t even tell you why. It’s not that I’m concerned I’d accidentally be confused for a hooker or anything. I obviously have a bad association with the word, I just can’t think of what it is.
I’m fond of both words (see my latest post title!) but I’ve always thought the distinction was that a whore got paid and did the sluttery professionally. A slut is an amateur. Still, I’m perfectly content to be called a whore during sex.
I’m a big fan of both. I had to work at it. I won Slut of the Month in 2008 and freaked the hell out… and then accepted it and what it meant to me….
Though around my friends, when whore gets bandied around, people remind that that word requires a payment transaction…. so we’ve been known to offer each other dollars so that we can be legitimate whores….
So, I love the word “whore” – to apply to other people, preferably bottoms who I am thoroughly making use of in whatever way my dark sadistic heart desires. If I examine why “whore” is sexier to me than “slut”, there is the texture of it in my mouth, of course – I totally agree on that one, Mo – but there’s also an underlying sort of philosophical/spiritual/emotional pull toward the concept of a whore that’s far more appealing to me than the concept of a slut. I feel like sluts have more agency somehow, they do it because they like it and they want to do it, and it’s not that whores *can’t* have that agency (because many real sex workers do certainly have lots of agency, as well they should), but the transactional nature and implications that come with the word “whore” feels like they give the top/john/user a delectable sort of power. Very “shut up and take it, I’m paying you for this” – even if that’s not actually said. It’s very … objectifying … and service-oriented … both of which are hella hot for some of us. A whore is, by definition, a tool for someone else’s pleasure, which isn’t necessarily the case with a slut, because they’re there for their own pleasure.
I love that there’s a place where I can wax philosophic on the awesomeness of “whore” as sexy terminology. *happy sigh*
Being called a “slut” gets my girl all wobbly, but she’ll logic out of “whore” by pointing out that she’s not a professional. I prefer the mouth-feel of “whore” to “slut”, though, and have been tempted to throw a couple of bucks to her during play just so I can have a better arguing point than, “Because I said so!”
Personally I have been called enough names in life but some humiliation or intimidation is OK with me as long as it’s in context of consensual play. S & M to me is not about degrading someone but lifting someone up and initiating someone to a higher level of personal understanding. I have never though that SM saw about raw violence or brutal torture but more about a consensual exchange of power that takes both participants into a spiritual level of enlightenment. If it’s not fun or consensual it’s wrong. When I play TOP I truly care about my Bottoms experience. I may take them beyond their boundaries but I alway respect their physical and verbal limits.
Warmest Regards, Dano
“Slut” and “whore” are used so frequently in our sexual culture that there would have to be something pretty special about the way someone said either of those words to get a reaction out of me. There was once someone who could call me a cocksucker in a way that would drop me into happy subspace instantly, though.