“…to be brave.”
I’m writing words none of you will read.
I’m phrasing an inner monologue I don’t want anyone to hear.
I’m voicing fears I do not want to face and, in bad moments? Resent having to share at all.
I’m editing a document that is supposed to facilitate one of the more critical conversations I’ll have in my lifetime.
I’m trying to capture the smell of anxiety, the taste of uncertainty, the sound of desire, the sight of longing.
I fluctuate between cold determination and confidence and breathless, choking anxiety.
A few days ago I was sweating my pores out in a small musty room at the Dark Odyssey camp. I had suddenly jumped into hamsterbrain mode about my upcoming visit to spend time…quite a bit of time…with The Dominant Guy and his wife, and what that would be like. More worrisome was my fretting about how to even begin to approach what seemed, to me, a Sisyphean task. This involved my being prepared to sit down, all three of us, and talk. About expectations and protocols and the day-to-day reality of my spending several weeks with them. And Other Important Things. And Stuff.
This makes my brain sweat and my stomach submit a request to evacuate.
I’ve never negotiated like this. I mean, in well over fifteen years, I’ve never had this serious a negotiation about a power-exchange relationship. Have I given endless amounts of thought to the topic? Yes, for certain. But negotiation of a relationship with someone who was married…and poly? Pfft. Fuck, up until last September I’d assumed being in a situation where having to negotiate poly as a monogamous-hearted person would NEVER happen. But here I am. With all of my anxiety, with all of my deep fears of being “less than” or “not enough” or “expendable†and, paradoxically,  all of my wide-eyed foolhardy optimism fighting it out, cage-match style, in Technicolor.
Well, or in HD. Might as well get with the modern times.
I tried to wrap my head around how to talk about what I needed without fearing the consequences if I learned I couldn’t get what I needed. I tried to accept that it was OK for me to be forthcoming about what I wanted. I tried to think of politic ways to approach it. To think of polite yet straightforward, diplomatic yet scrupulously honest ways to say some shit that was just sounding harsh to me, and hiccuping with anxiety about never even having the balls to actually do this. I emoed some random shit on Twitter and wondered, for the thousandth time that hour, if I was losing my fucking mind.
Then my phone rang.
One guess who it was.Â
I was just glad to hear The Dominant Guy’s voice and the perky “How was your day? What are you up to?†quotidian banter and bullshit lifted my spirits a bit.
There is a particular tone, cadence and pause cycle to this one syllable that sets me up a bit for some degree of anticipatory breath-holding.
“…so how are you coming along with your notes?â€
Deep breath.
“I don’t know. OK I guess. I mean, I know what I want to say I think? But it is complicated.â€
“Really. Why?â€
“Um. Why?â€
I said something about this being a bazillion levels of difficulty, that I had no idea what to expect, that I felt at a severe disadvantage as the neophyte at the table with regard to this type of discussion, that the layers of complexity and the unknown quality of EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS SITUATION shoved me into not knowing what to do, feeling like an idiot, and not even knowing how to say what I need to say…and…and…and…
I went on like that for a bit, evincing empathetic sounds from the other end of the line.
Finally I ran out of steam. I sat as my vision blurred and tears slowly made their way down my sweaty cheeks. I took a constricted deep breath.
He explained, once again, and patiently, that I really needed to put everything out there. That the only way for everyone to get on the same page was for everyone to speak their truth.
Good fucking luck.
My Personal Demon sunk her teeth in out of nowhere and I wondered again why I’d allowed myself into this situation. I reached for my inhaler.
You speak your truth? They’ll bounce you for sure. You’re too demanding, too needy, and too much of a loser to even manage to find a monogamous person to get all gooey over. Nice job, idiot. Go ahead and tell them why you’re scared and uncertain and see where it gets you. Go right ahead and settle for second-best adjunct plaything status. It really is the best you can do, isn’t it? Stupid. Holy shit you are so. Fucking. Stupid.
Speak the truth.
The truth is awkward and lumpy and…well, it is personal, dammit. I’m afraid…I thought about how I would even begin to explain to him that I had so much fear about saying “The Wrong Thing.”
“I need for you to be brave. You need to share all of that, to be transparent. You have to be fearless.â€
Brave? Haven’t I been fucking brave enough already?! Galloping Ganesha…
And yet the hateful cyclotron of doubt had reflexively started winding down immediately upon my hearing him say “I need…â€
For love, money and the threat of imminent insanity at the teeth of The Demon, I can’t unfuck myself when this thought process escalates to the point it had just then.
However. He needed me to be brave.
Despite the technicalities of negotiation, a part of me already sits up and starts plotting compliance immediately upon hearing that he needs something. If what he needed was for me to be brave and honest, even if it feels sickly, needy and weak, I had to do it. Damn the torpedoes and the washing machine belly.
Despite the fact that I didn’t get what I desired : Â blanket reassurances that Every Little Thing Was Gonna Be Allright, I did get what I needed. And what I need is to know that he is listening, and understanding, and more importantly that he has entirely fucking reasonable and disgustingly goddamn rational thought processes around much of the shit that makes my hamsterbrain hop on the wheel and start…hamstering.
Somehow, even my occasionally Very Very nasty inner Demon will grudgingly STFU in reaction to The Dominant Guy’s admonitions. Maybe it is because of that time he said he thought she was cute. Maybe its because she’s just as scared as I am.
But scared or no, I have to be brave again, and I think I can do that for him. Maybe not for myself, not yet, but I’m learning.

Wow!!! I am sitting here in tears. Wow when that bitch demons sinks her teeth in she sink her f’n teeth in IT!!!! Mr. Dominant sounds like he’s really evolved man and feels comfortable with himself and his relationship. I have never been in an official Poly relationship with negotiations and concerns and transparency. However, the conversation seriously came up a few weeks ago with someone, but the wife would have to be won over.
Before I end just playing devils advocate, how is jealousy handled or rather how are you going to handle that voice inside that wants a one on one relationship?
Hi Shay :-)
It is interesting: I realized a little bit ago I am not a very jealous person. Jealousy being the state of wanting to take what others have, or to acquire something from someone else. I AM, however, envious of the relationships I see that are solid, loving and in which the people involved are happy. As far as envy goes? I don’t know. I am honest about my hesitancy when it comes to being involved with someone who has their life partner already in place when I have no idea what their long-term situation might be around me. I am trying to do that “Living in the moment” thing but some form of reassurance would help. For better or for worse, I don’t get much in the way of promises or guarantees outside of the important core shit. SO, that’ll have to do for now, methinks?
If the need for a monogamous situation coincides with That Person manifesting in my life, things would have to be carefully studied. If being “secondary…” or whatever less inflammatory word people are using these days…if that becomes too difficult to bear, it is my responsibility to tap out. Personal responsibility is a bitch!
A friend of my better half advocates the following: when going on a first date, get a good glob of chewed food on your tongue and then stick said tongue out — “aaahhhh” — to your dinner partner. If they run, they wouldn’t have been a good match anyway and you’ve saved yourself a number of wasted dates.
Perhaps sharing all of your “selfish” needs is an equivalent … you’re the catch and they should be auditioning for you, not the other way around.
And I’d like to quote from a recent entry from Dan Savage’s blog: ‘I met a girl—a lesbian teenager—at one of the receptions I attended over the last week in New York. She told me, tearfully, that her parents had thrown her out and they were refusing to see her until she “changed.” I wish you could’ve seen the look on her face when I told her to tell her parents that they had it backward: she wasn’t going to see them until they changed. She laughed, she hugged me, and she said that she’d never thought of it that way. I told her to start thinking of it that way. (Then I told her to stop smoking.)’
Now kick the ass out of this!
I honestly cannot tell you how much I needed to hear this.
Um…thank you. I honestly had forgotten the 2-Way-Streetiness of this interaction. How? I dunno. I’m insane, for starters. But…yeah.
Thank you eversomuch. This rocks.
Your courage is amazing – not only with The Dominant Guy, but to share your inner fears, hopes and dreams with us…thank you.
((hugs)) thank you, Miss C. For reading and for reminding me that being brave is awesome.
Hey, Mollena –
I don’t know if you know the term “unicorn hunting”, but I’m guessing some people who read this don’t, so I’ll go ahead and explain that there’s a term that some people use to describe when a couple goes looking for the mythical Hot Bi Babe.
There can be some really problematic bleah around that, but it’s also sometimes really magical and amazing for everyone. I’m just a random voice on the ‘net and a stranger to you, but if you wanted someone to talk to, away from the prying eyes, with a long history of being discreet and understanding and helpful about unpacking all the convoluted in one’s head, and groks PoC issues with kink and poly…I think you can probably see my e-mail. Or send a reply to this, I’ll be watching for a little while.
So offer’s on the table, and just being friendly and knowing what it’s like a little maybe. Wishing you the best no matter what you decide is best for you.