I’m rarely a “top” but I’m in the top 100!
I’m chuffed to have received recognition for my little blog! Thanks to Rori for compiling another year’s worth of sex bloggery goodness!
Here’s the Top 100 Sex Bloggers according to the readers of the sexiest blogs in the internets!
- Guy New York (@quickiesnewyork) and The Dirty Gentleman from Quickies in New York
- Charlotte Times (@charlotte_times) from The Life and Charlotte Times
- Kendra Holliday (@TBK365 and @beautifulkind) from The Beautiful Kind
- Amie Wee (@crevicecanyon) from Crevice Canyon
- Riff Dog from Ashley and Me
- Catherine Toyooka (@Catcoaches) from Sex Spoken Here: Secrets of a Sexuality Educator
- Vineyard Road (@vineyardroad) from Vineyard Road
- David (@DavidinVegas) from A View from the Top
- Quizzical Pussy (@quizzicalpussy) from Quizzical Pussy
- Athol Kay from Married Man Sex Life
- Dick and Jane from Dick-n-Jane
- EA (@easilyaroused) from Easily Aroused
- Axe (@unspeakableaxe) from Unspeakable Axe
- Joan Price (@JoanPrice) from Naked at Our Age – Better Than I Ever Expected
- Oatmeal Girl (@oatmeal_girl) from Submission & Metaphor
- Dark Gracie (@darkgracie) from Dark Gracie
- Mistress Lilyana (@MistressLilyana) from Mistress Lilyana
- Kyle Jones (@butchtastickyle) from Butchtastic
- Cheeky Minx (@LoveHateSexCake) from Love Hate Sex Cake
- Adam from The Mind of a Married Man
- Dr. Marty Klein (@drmartyklein) from Sexual Intelligence
- Lady Pandorah (@ladypandorah) from Lady Pandorah’s Sanctuary
- Holly (@pervocracy) from The Pervocracy
- Brooke from Puppy Tales
- Lady Dragonfly (@miladydragonfly) from Lady Dragonfly
- nilla (@swirlednilla) from Vanillamom’s Blog
- Wilhelmina Wang (@wilhelminawang) from Heartbreak Nymphomania
- Holden (@packingvocals) from Packing Vocals
- 25 Things from 25 Things About My Sexuality
- Thumper (@thumperMN) from Denying Thumber
- Kake (@poeticerotica) from Poetic Erotica
- Lucas (@top2bottom) from Top to Bottom
- Ms. Diane D from Bi and Large – Cuckolding with a Twist
- Betty Dodson and Carlin Ross (@dodsonandross) from Betty Dodson with Carlin Ross – Sex Information Online
- Kat (@shackledkat) from Prowling with Kat
- The Gentle Nibbles Writing Team (@gentlenibbles) from Gentle Nibbles
- Pandora (@pandorablake) from Spanked, Not Silenced
- Molly (@mollysdailykiss) from Molly’s Daily Kiss
- Vixen from Secrets of a Blue-Eyed Vixen
- DDD from Dick Dyke Dick
- Jade (@piecesofjade) from Pieces of Jade
- Jiz Lee (@jizlee) from Jiz Lee
- Sin from Finding My Submission
- Kris from The Phone Courtesan
- SapioSlut from SapioSlut
- Rockin’ (@RockinwithaCock) from Light Switch
- Rachael (@rabbitwhite) from Rachel Rabbit White
- Neo Dom Tom from A Bedroom Dom
- Daisy Danger (@daisydanger) from The True Life Sex Adventures of Daisy Danger
- Violet & Rye (@UCAppetites) from Uncommon Appetites
- Kaya from Under His Hand
- Lilith (@lilith9465) from Lilith Land
- Lady Grinning Soul (@LadyGrinSoul) from Lady Grinning Soul
- Septimus from Dirty Art by Septimus
- Roxy (@sroxy) from Uncommon Curiosity
- Anakin (@AnakinDarth) and Padme (@padmeamidala) from Journey to the Darkside
- Dr. Charlie Glickman (@charlieglickman) from Adult Sexuality Education
- Lily from theblackleatherbelt
- Arabella (@askarabella) from Bombshells & Rockstars
- SN from Peel It Off!
- Bre from Owned, Collared, Loved
- Adriana Ravenlust from Of Sex and Love
- Delilah (@definingdelilah) from Defining Delilah
- Arthur and Annabelle (@lustandconfused) from Lust and Confused
- Lorelei (@suggestive) from Suggestive Tongue
- Kitty Stryker from PurrVersatility
Mollena (@Mollena) from The Perverted Negress (woot!)
- Naughty Lexi from Exploits of Lexi
- Karen Blue (@kissinbluekaren) from Kissing Blue Karen
- Arti (@ArtiAbsinthium) from Absinthe Cocktail
- Figleaf (@talkingfigleaf) from Real Adult Sex
- Miranda and Aarron from The Swingers Attic
- Blacksilk (@BlacksilkBlog) from Blacksilk’s Boudoir
- Violet (@violetscreaming) from Screaming Violet
- Ferns (@Ferns__) from Domme Chronicles
- SlipperyWhnWhet (@SlipperyWhnWhet) from A Slut’s Memoir
- Fruit Taster (@fruittaster) from Fruits of Libido
- Mrs. Discontented (@DiscontentedMrs) from Mrs. Discontented
- Aisha from Being Aisha
- Ruby Ryder from Pegging Paradise
- Chrystal Bougon from Better Sex Radio
- Lipstick Lori (@lipsticklori) from Rarely Wears Lipstick
- CarrieAnn (@CarrieAnn_) from A View from the Floor
- Dangerous Lilly (@dangerouslilly) from This Could Be Dangerous
- Electronic Doll (@electronic_doll) from Post Modern Sleaze
- Jerome from Let’s Talk About Sex
- Dusk (@dusk_in_chains) from Dusk (in chains)
- Innocent Loverboy (@innocentlb) from Innocent Loverboy
- RHS from The Redheaded Slut
- Violet Blue (@violetblue) from Tiny Nibbles
- Amy (@AnalAmy) from Anal Amy
- Curvaceous Dee (@curvaceousdee) from Curvaceous Dee
- Jason Stotts (@Jstotts) from Erosophia
- Mistress Kay (@mistress_kay) from Kinky World
- Viemoira from Cavern of the Beast
- Lucid (@lucidobsession) from Lucid Obsession
- ♀ & sss (@sweatshopsissy) from Sweat Shop Sissy
- Kat from She Makes the Rules
- Yummy from Sexual Adventures of a Married Woman
- YOU! – As always, I want to leave a place on this list for ALL the awesome sex bloggers out there! So please leave a comment on Between My Sheetswith your name/URL to tell us about your sexy blog!

Great list of bloggers! I follow most of these “tops” and will definitely check out the ones I hadn’t yet discovered.
I dig this list! A great way to check out the delicious underbelly of the ‘net!
Hey there Mo!
Sooooo glad to see you on this list :)
Happy dance!