Ending-in-O in Chicago & Toronto, yo!

I’ll be hitting Chicago & Toronto, and debuting a new class to boot! So what’s that all aboot? Glad ya asked! I have a FREE class in Chicago, Three classes at Come As You Are in Toronto and I’m s-q-u-e-e-z-i-n-g in two additional class sessions, one of which is a world premier! Get in on…

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Seven (Random) Suggestions for Dominant Types!

There is no one rulebook for how to do this thing we call BDSM, Power-Exchange, Master/Slave relationships, etc., etc. One of the things I most enjoy about perverts is our limitless capacity to forge our own damn path, thank you very much! I’ve done a lot of weed-whacking through the jungles of kink in order…

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When I get annoyed, shit happens.

Once again, I’m irritated into action. I see a lotta lotta poly types leveling-up their stamina by taking swings at monogamy, and monoamorous people. Not a fan. Mind you, there are plenty of polyfolks who do NOT engage in this bullshit. My excellent friend Cunning Minx, a big time advocate of poly, is so awesome as to…

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Three Tips for the New Kink Explorer!

I was recently asked by a publication for some quick tips and advice for couples interested in exploring BDSM to kink up bedroom play. I doubt the journalist will use the entirety of what I wrote…space constraints and all…but these three points are, I feel important for those just dipping their toes into the wild & wonderful world of BDSM. Here’s my quick-n-dirty recommendations for…

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Dropping in to London!

I am on my way over to Europe for the Stockholm Fetish Week and I will be popping over to London to see what kinky mischief I can make! I will be at the Sh! Women’s Store on May 15th, 16th & 17th teaching three classes and would love to see you there! There will…

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TheGrio tackles “Race Play…” rather well, actually!

I was contacted recently by award-winning journalist Alexis Stodghill, writing from an MSNBC e-mail address and on the staff of TheGrio.com. She asked me if I’d be interested in answering a few questions about BDSM, specifically race play, since I’d been quoted in a column that is getting a whole lot of talk and that touches on that topic. The column, a response…

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I Am Featured in the New York Times.

My short, IMPACT, was selected to be a part of the opening night gala for the 10th Annual CineKink Festival! It was AWESOME to see it on the big screen again, and so fabulous to have Karen Taylor and Laura Antoniou and Lolita Wolf and Kelly Shibari all packed into the booth laughing and loving…

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On Racism, entertainment, and race-play.

Part one: http://www.mollena.com/2013/02/blackface-still-racist-yall Part Two http://www.mollena.com/2013/02/racism-in-leather Many people continue to defend the racism of a white male drag-queen donning blackface as “humor” and insist that we ignore it if we don’t like it. Many people feel free to tell me how to react to racism, even as I stand and see people I considered friends and allies…

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Gimmie a call tonight!

The BlogTalk Radio gods were unkind last week, and Rebekah and I  managed to only get in about 20 minutes of chat altogether! SO! I’m back on tonight, with Rebekah Beneteau! Show starts at 8:30 EST! http://www.blogtalkradio.com/askmeanythingloveandsexshow/2013/01/25/powerful-submission-w-mollena-taketwo-1 You can call in Call in to speak with us at (347) 838-8931

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Here comes the Summit!

 I am so fucking stoked, you guys!  I have  for years wanted to  make a space for teaching, learning, peer-sharing and togetherness for submissive and slave types, and it is starting to happen! Thanks to Rebekah Beneteau of Wise Wild Feminine, we have a date for the Northeast! Submissive & Slave Identified or curious? You might wish to hold…

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