Don’t let it slide.

Too many people, overwhelmingly on the bottom / submissive side of the kink equation, have a tendency to have a “let it slide” attitude. You know. You meet someone, they are very aggressive on the first date, move too fast, but because you emerge unscathed, you “let it slide.” Someone pushes a limit, but maybe…

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Start Spreadin’ the News…

Got some gigs booked for NYC, people! I am deeply delighted honored and straight up wiggly at the prospect of going Home and being able to perv out with new and old friends. Here is the line-up so far…and if you know of a venue or organization whom I ought to contact and squeeze in…

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Throwing my corset into the ring!

The stars aligned, the event for which I was supposed to travel to Denver was canceled, I do not have rehearsal for “Drip” that evening, and miraculously I’m insane enough to do it. *deep Breath* I am in the running for Ms. SF Leather 2009!

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Floating World, Flukey Weather.

On the way to Floating World I ran into a couple of moments of Zen. The first was cool: I ran into the charming and dope ass Q in the terminal. Q was on the way to the Butch Voices Conference, even as I was headed back east for Floating World. We chatted a bit in the…

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Catch me at Floating World!

I’m off late-night tonight on the red-eye to New Jersey. Gods help me…it pains my Harlem slash Upper East Side NY grrl heart to even type that… But it is for a good cause, since it’s gonna be just me and 1,199 other perverts for a weekend of depravity.  

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Running away to home.

Dark moods are not unknown to me. Though I have many fewer now than I did even a year ago, and by orders of magnitude fewer today than I did when I a still actively drinking myself to death. the (up?down?)side to this is that today, I am committed to turning my heart to face these moods…

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The wildness.

I got The Wildness yesterday. Voice in the head clear as day, no fucking fooling around, said to me what you need to do is get out of town for a few days. GO. Uh…kinda difficult with work with all of the writing, reading, reviewing and shit I have to do I can’t just run away from life it…

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Submit. Fiercely.

“Sekhmet” ~ by Laurel Green  As often happens my brain revs up to impossible speeds just as I’m going to sleep. I am certain that this is because “normal working hours” are at odds with the hours in which I work best. I am NOT. Bloody. Diurnal. If the average person has an 8-hour window…

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