You say tomato, I say “Please Sir may I have another?!”
Cyanide & Happiness @
Read MoreFor today…I win. Right now…I rule.
I recently received a comment from a reader on my blog here that was if critical import to me in a time where i face cutting criticism and sometimes feel like I’m swimming upstream on a futile mission about which no one really cares. I’ll quote it here: Wow. I am blown away. I read…
Read MoreHey! Fuck You, Stan Lee.
As a big old Pervert, I’m always glad to get tips from my friends, twisted or not, about the interesting dark matter they unearth here and there. So I was tickled when my buddy Mike Twittered me about this cool looking on Joe Shuster, on of the guys behind the Superman comic. Then I read the…
Read MoreFriends and Benefits.
Days fly by and as the Steve Miller band once famously crooned time keeps on slipping slippin’ slippin’ into the future and I’ll be flying not quite like an eagle but indeed to the sea or rather from sea to shining sea as I jet from the Pacific to the Atlantic for an odd whirlwind…
Read MoreThe FatGirl Pervert Rants.
I’m fat. (For the record: I do not use / identify with the euphemism BBW (Big Beautiful Woman). I respect those who do, it just isn’t my choice. “Large,” “Plus-Sized,” “Big” are terms I occasionally use. For me, I prefer fat.) I am, unsurprisingly, ambivalent about it. There isn’t a whole lot of acceptance around…
Read MoreWhen I know I don’t know.
Some things are indelible in the soft clay of my heart. Those moments of connection with someone where it isn’t about verbal communication. Where the lips the teeth the tip of the tongue aren’t in play because you look at someone and you get volumes of information instantaneously. I love this moment. I have them…
Read MoreMy Epic “Best Of” Craig’s List Post.
email this posting to a friend best of craigslist > SF bay area > The Prize for the LAMEST Booty Call I have endured goes to…. Originally Posted: Thu, 6 May 13:39 PDT The Prize for the LAMEST Booty Call I have endured goes to… Date: 2004-05-06, 1:39PM PDT I suppose it is my fault…
Read MoreTaking my picture.
Despite the fact that I’ve been in front of the camera professionally since the age of 5, I am always apprehensive about photography. I fear I’ll look goofy, or that the person taking the picture will somehow look at me in a way that doesn’t capture the “real me” or worse yet, that the “real…
Read MoreRace Play Interview – Part IV (Conclusion)
Well this is the wrap up! By Ganesha’s prehensile trunk and gorgeous plump belleh, this shit is EPIC. Thanks for reading along, and thank you Andrea Plaid for her remarkably open mind and thoughtful questions. If you are just jumping in, STOP. STOP RIGHT NOW! I fuckin’ mean it and go back and read the…
Read MoreHNT: Blood Makes Noise.
I’ve had a mixed relationship with my body when it comes to menstruation. I started when I was 12, and was a little pissed because I had swimming class that day, and my Mom was broke, and she only used pads. I was running late but had to get money off of my already…
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