“Topping from the Bottom”: what it is NOT.

I cringe and bristle when I hear the phrase “topping from the bottom” It is often used as a pejorative within the Leather and BDSM community to denote one who is in the position of receiving sensation (the bottom) directing or “topping” from what “should be” a subordinate place. The problem I have is this: the…

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Fucking Monsters.

Fucking Twitter. A series of Tweets with PantheraPardus bounced me out of bed so that I could try to explain to myself why fucked up people turn me on.   In 1992 I was living in LA and had gone, with a few girlfriends, to see the new Tarantino flick. I didn’t know anything about it, but…

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“Top’s Disease”: The pathology of arrogance, or kinda hot?

If you are a self-identified kinky person, you may have heard of “Top’s Disease”: the dominant who shows off in scenes, is riddled with self-importance bordering on clinical monomania may fall into the category of victim of  “Top’s Disease.” This is the idea that a dominant or top has a terminal kink-centric narcissism. Believing their…

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Some days I hate what I need.

My subconscious Sub-Etha Sens-O-Matic was thrumming with memory and pulsing with perversion everywhere for me this weekend. I had a lovely brunch with a dear friend on Sunday. He is, among many things, a sadist and of British extraction. These things are, in my book, two of the the very Pillars of Win. Being extremely well-hung…

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This mitigates my guilt.

I often felt kinda guilty about the raw nasty sex I used to foist upon my dolls as a kid. Did you know that the original Star Trek play-set was smartly fitted with a “working transporter” had the capacity for 2 figures if you 69ed them? No, no you didn’t! Yeah, Barbie got it from…

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The Power Exchange: A Memory.

It looks as though one of San Francisco’s last public pansexual Sex Club and BDSM playspaces,The Power Exchange, is at risk. The owner of the building is selling, and the future of the place is uncertain. On those nights where the filthynastypiglut in you wants to be ogled and leered at and objectified by complete…

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“Kiss My Boots.”

I often hear people talk about pivotal moments in their lives with longing regret: wishing they’d known then how critical a moment this fleeting juncture would be. I have had the pleasure / terror of Total In-The-Moment-Surety that something was going to be a life altering event even as it happened. The unifying theme is…

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WTF Wednesday: Rope Bondage

There are 47 reasons, on any given day, why kinky stuff gets my jeebies heebied. One of the things I can enjoy, regardless of my emotional connection to my play partner, is rope bondage. There are many aspects of kink that are intensely personal for me, things that get right into my head and places…

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I have decided that Christianity has the unsexiest god fucking IMAGINABLE. Seriously. Even his son isn’t all that. Sure, the walking on water thing is kind of cool, it would probably have gotten the girls kinda hot back in Galilee and all. OK, Goth chicks could SO be into Jesus what with the stigmata and…

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teapot headtrip.

Sometimes, people who are involved in kink feel compelled try to explain to non-kink identified people why we do this kinky shit at all. Often, pervs will talk about their kink as though only other pervs do what we do, and no non kinky human can ever understand the “Depth” of service. The thing about…

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